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4145 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel Sunbelt Steel Trepanning 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel
4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel
4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel 4145 Drill Collars 4140 4330 4340 Sunbelt Steel


Trepanning is a deep-hole drilling process by which a hole is machined into the center of a solid bar.  This process is necessary since tubes cannot be produced cost effectively with thick enough walls to serve certain applications (i.e. drill collars).

Often times, the word trepanning is used interchangeably with deep hole boring or ejector drilling.  These are different processes that produce a similar result, a hole in a solid bar.  However, trepanning will leave you with a core and ejector drilling will only produce chips (or cuttings).  The smaller the ID that is required, the more likely ejector drilling will be the better option.  At Sunbelt Steel, we are proficient at both.

On our shop floor, we have hundreds of years of combined experience in drilling / trepanning alloy steel bar. 

We are particularly proud of the fact that our specialty is in small diameter holes (i.e. for drill collars), which are the most difficult to drill.  If you have any questions about trepanning or deep hole drilling please contact a member of our sales team.